Tomb Raider Reborn

Tomb Raider Reborn
Image by Steamkittens

Saturday 19 July 2014

Eevee Inspired Make Up: Vaporeon

Each time I create an Eevee inspired outfit I think, "Gosh, this is my favourite." Maybe it's because I'm constantly working to improve. At some point in the future, I would like to revisit them. Part of the reason I started this blog was because I had to leave my job. No job means no income. No income means I've had to put together a lot of my outfits using items I already had. That's not such a bad thing. How many times have you looked in your closet and thought, "Gee, I own way too much stuff"? Okay, if you're anything like me, probably never. But having no income gives you a new appreciation for the things you own. You can't just replace something if you ruin it. I'll always be proud of the outfits I've done, but I can only imagine what I'll be able to achieve when I can get back to work and master a few new skills.

My Vaporeon outfit has taken over the top spot on my list of favourites. For starters, I got to wear my Living Dead mermaid leggings. I'm planning on writing up another style guide (like the one I did for the Sailor Scout skater dresses), so I won't say too much here. However, you can find the LDC mermaid products here and here. Don't fret if they're sold out. They are incredibly popular and (with the exception of a few special designs) are constantly restocked.

I have a beautiful Infinity Edge pool in my complex and I really wanted to incorporate it into the Vaporeon shoot. The one catch? It's the middle of winter in Australia. Luckily the day I chose to do the shoot was lovely and sunny. I was a bit apprehensive about climbing into the water in my leggings, until I remembered that LDC also do swimwear. Duh. No glitter was harmed during the process.

The leggings were okay in the water, but I wouldn't recommend wetting your wigs. While it's perfectly fine to shampoo and condition them in cold to warm water, I'm not sure the pool chemicals would be good for the synthetic hair. However, if there's anyone out there who knows, please share!

I spent a lot of time with my eyes closed during this photo shoot. I tried so hard to keep them open, but it was sunset and there is a lake directly opposite my swimming pool (that makes it sound decadent, I know, but trust me, it's really more of a swamp). I also had a lot of water from the fountain hitting me in the face. Total respect goes out to models who have to pose for hours in ridiculous conditions. I have much to learn.

While I'm not too happy with all the closed eye shots, I am really happy with the way my crown turned out. As you can see, Vaporeon has a cute little frill around its neck. Originally I wanted to replicate this, but because of the long wig, I figured it would look awkward. Instead, I bought a headband, some white lycra and some florist's wire from Spotlight and tried to kind of stretch the fabric over the wire.

It didn't work.

Plan B, while nothing like my original idea, worked beautifully. I drew the shape I wanted on some aluminium, cut it out and covered it with the white lycra. To jazz it up a bit, I pulled apart some old necklaces and glued little pearls, stars and seashells to the crown. As a cosplayer, I tend to keep a lot of jewellery and accessories, even if they're broken or I don't wear them anymore. I'm not saying you should end up on an episode of Hoarders, but keep a tidy box full of things that can be reused. The seashells came from an old necklace I found while rummaging through a bunch of clothes an old friend was going to throw out.

Although I'm only a beginner in the world of cosplay, I hope that I can still inspire people to come up with new and interesting ways to approach their projects. It's important to remember that cosplay is for everyone, whether you have all the time and money in the world, or you have to make do with recycled materials.

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